Annual Dues 2017-2018


If you have more than one child in the Pack, a $15 discount will be applied to each Scout when dues are paid in full by September 30th ($85 per Scout for two or more).


Dues are utilized to purchase Den and Pack meeting materials, scout books, neckerchiefs, badges, belt loops, awards, pinewood derby cars, and rocket kits on behalf of the cubs. An additional portion is allocated to annual Pack registration fees, leader trainings, and insurance payable to Chester County Council BSA.

For the 2017-2018 Cub Scout Year, the dues are $100 per scout. If you have more than one child in the Pack, a $15 discount will be applied to each Scout when dues are paid in full by September 30th ($85 per Scout for two or more).

Our Annual Popcorn Fundraiser significantly supplements the Pack’s budget as we spend much more per child than is covered by dues alone. Please plan on participating in our fundraiser if you would prefer $0 dues increases in the future.

No boy should be denied the opportunity to participate in Cub Scouts due to financial hardship. In the event that you need financial assistance, please speak with our Pack Committee Chairman about our scholarship program.