Character Development

Since its origin, the Scouting program has been an educational experience concerned with values. In 1910, the first activities for Scouts were designed to build character, physical fitness, practical skills, and service. These elements were part of the original Cub Scout program and continue to be part of Cub Scouting today

Character development should extend into every aspect of a boy’s life. Character development should also extend into every aspect of Cub Scouting. Cub Scout leaders should strive to use the 12 points of the Scout Law throughout all elements of the program—service projects, ceremonies, games, skits, songs, crafts, and all the other activities enjoyed at den and pack meetings.

Character can be defined as the collection of core values by an individual that leads to moral commitment and action.

Character development should challenge Cub Scouts to experience core values
in six general areas: God, world, country, community, family, and self.

Character is “values in action.”

Character Compass

Cub Scout Charachter CompassThe goals of the Cub Scout leader are

  1. to seek out and maximize the many opportunities to incorporate character development
  2. to convince the young Cub Scout that character is important to the individual, to his family, community, country, world, and God

Character development should not be viewed as something done occasionally as part of a separate program, or as part of only one area of life. For in reality, character development is a part of everything a Cub Scout does. Character development lessons can be found in every aspect of the Cub Scouting experience.

As Cub Scouts work on the adventures in their handbooks, they will notice the Character Compass symbol.

A compass is a tool that guides a person from place to place. Character is how we act, and it guides our entire lives. This compass will be a guide to one or more of the 12 points of the Scout Law.

Every time Cub Scouts check the compass, it will remind them of how the activities in each adventure are related to the Scout Law. This may also help them think about how the points of the Scout Law guide their way in Cub Scouting and in daily life. Those points are all different, and each one is a treasure for Scouts to find.

Information on this page provided by the Boy Scouts of America –