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Welcome back Pack 110! We hope that everyone had a great summer and now back to school and scouting! On Sunday, August 27th from 4:00-6:00pm we will have our welcome back picnic at the Oakbourne Park Pavilion, 1014 South Concord Rd, West Chester, PA. The event will be a lot of fun with many games for the Scouts. The evening will be capped off with a cookout.

Not a Cub Scout yet? No Problem!

This is a great opportunity to come see what Pack 110 is all about. Come on out for an afternoon of fun & games and stay for the cookout! Our leaders will be there to answer any questions you have and will have additional information and applications available.

Want to invite a friend?

Do you know someone that may be interested in becoming a Cub Scout? Feel free to bring them along to show them what Scouting is all about. Please be sure to introduce your friend to Mr. Comolli when you get there. Parents, please encourage you son to bring a friend. There will be a special prize for those that do.

Please RSVP using the button link below so that we have an accurate count. Feel free to bring a side, dessert, drink, or just your family. Hope to see you there!

Unfortunately, due to the weather forecast, the rocket launch has been postponed (date TBD) and the campout cancelled. We will still be having the Final Pack Meeting & Awards Ceremony with a Pizza Party beforehand in place of the cookout.

If interested, please use the RSVP button below or email Dawn Kriebel (Committee Chair) at or Josh Comolli (Cubmaster) at and let them know which activities you will be attending:

  • Rocket Launch
  • 5:30PM Cook Out Pizza Party
  • 6:00PM Award Ceremony
  • Camp Out

Our cub scouts are currently building rockets that we expect will be launched several hundred feet into the air.  All of the rockets have streamers to ensure their safe return.  Please join us and your children can help us retrieve the rockets once they return to earth.

After the launch, we will move over the the BVA for a Pack cookout Pizza Party followed by our year-end graduation ceremony where the boys will receive any awards earned and their new neckerchiefs for the next scouting year. This is our last Pack Meeting of the year so you will not want to miss it.

Please feel free to join us for any or all of the day’s events.

Not a Cub Scout yet?

This is a great opportunity to come see what it’s all about. Bring your own rocket to launch or just come out to watch the show. Stay for dinner and s’mores!

Many families will also be camping out overnight. If interested, please bring your own tent. Please feel free to join us for all or only some of the activities.

Want to invite a friend?

This is a great opportunity for any family interested in learning more about Cub Scouts to come out and see what Pack 110 is all about. Please feel free to bring them along and send them our Rocket Launch Flyer for more information. Any scout that brings a friend will get a special prize!

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Upcoming Events

  1. Pack Committee Meeting (March)

    March 4 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  2. Ashland Nature Center – Overnight

    March 15 @ 5:00 pm - March 16 @ 11:00 am
  3. March Pack Meeting

    March 21 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  4. Pack Committee Meeting (April)

    April 1 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  5. April Pack Meeting

    April 11 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm