Camping Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Cub Pack 110

All current and hopeful Cub Scouts and their parents are invited to attend!

This year the annual Chester County Council Cub Camporee (C5) will again be held at the centrally located Paradise Farm Camps in East Bradford. All current and hopeful Cub Scouts and their parents are invited to attend! C5 will include games, activities, outdoor learning, team-building, crafts, and camping sleepover.

Checkin and tent setup is from 11- 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 14, 2017 (please eat lunch before arrival) and activities will take place from 1-6 p.m. Dinner will be served Saturday, followed by campfire ceremony and a campout. Breakfast will be served the next morning and the event will conclude after an exciting Orienteering Competition around the Paradise Farm grounds.

Bring your own tent and join us overnight to get your overnight camping requirement!

Possible Activities

  • Archery
  • Slingshot Paintball
  • Bottle Rockets
  • BB Range
  • Games
  • Kickball
  • Frisbee Golf
  • Ladderball
  • Cornhole
  • Team Building
  • Woodshop – Birdhouses
  • Leatherworking
  • Making Gliders
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Campfire
  • Movie Night
  • …and more!

More Information:

All Pack 110 families are invited to attend our rescheduled rocket launch and final camping event before the summer.

Our Cub Scouts are currently building rockets that we expect will be launched several hundred feet into the air.  All of the rockets have streamers to ensure their safe return.  Please join us and your children can help us retrieve the rockets once they return to earth.

After the launch, we will move over the the BVA for our final Pack campout of the 2016/2017 Scouting year (drive past the barn and gazebo, up the dirt road to the top of the hill). This is a great opportunity to explore nature and have some fun outdoors.

Please contact Ed Loeffler or RSVP below if you plan on attending.
Phone: 610.719.8452 (home) / 610.662.4610 (cell)
Address: 520 N. New Street, West Chester Pa, 19380

Blast Into Adventure!

The whole family is invited to a fun-filled outdoor adventure. After an afternoon of activities, dinner and a campfire, families are invited to campout. Bring your own tent to sleep under the stars then stay for breakfast the next morning as well as more activities. Scouts can also bring a friend that is not registered in Cub Scouts, increasing the fun!

Activities include shooting BB guns, archery, bouldering wall, paintball slingshot range, arts and crafts, sports, games, leatherworking and much, much more. The whole family will experience the exhilaration of these activities.

This overnight experience meets the overnight camping requirement of all ranks.

Arrive around 11 a.m. Saturday morning to set up your campsite. Lunch is not provided on Saturday so please eat prior to coming or bring something with you. The price remains the same regardless of whether you stay overnight or not.

This is a great opportunity to “try before you buy” – check out camp Ware tor see what a great summer camp opportunity it provides.

Cancellation Policy

Contact for cancellation policy.

Unfortunately, due to the weather forecast, the rocket launch has been postponed (date TBD) and the campout cancelled. We will still be having the Final Pack Meeting & Awards Ceremony with a Pizza Party beforehand in place of the cookout.

If interested, please use the RSVP button below or email Dawn Kriebel (Committee Chair) at or Josh Comolli (Cubmaster) at and let them know which activities you will be attending:

  • Rocket Launch
  • 5:30PM Cook Out Pizza Party
  • 6:00PM Award Ceremony
  • Camp Out

Our cub scouts are currently building rockets that we expect will be launched several hundred feet into the air.  All of the rockets have streamers to ensure their safe return.  Please join us and your children can help us retrieve the rockets once they return to earth.

After the launch, we will move over the the BVA for a Pack cookout Pizza Party followed by our year-end graduation ceremony where the boys will receive any awards earned and their new neckerchiefs for the next scouting year. This is our last Pack Meeting of the year so you will not want to miss it.

Please feel free to join us for any or all of the day’s events.

Not a Cub Scout yet?

This is a great opportunity to come see what it’s all about. Bring your own rocket to launch or just come out to watch the show. Stay for dinner and s’mores!

Many families will also be camping out overnight. If interested, please bring your own tent. Please feel free to join us for all or only some of the activities.

Want to invite a friend?

This is a great opportunity for any family interested in learning more about Cub Scouts to come out and see what Pack 110 is all about. Please feel free to bring them along and send them our Rocket Launch Flyer for more information. Any scout that brings a friend will get a special prize!


Arrival: 4/22 ~ between 2pm-4pm
(If severe weather is threatening, a go/no-go email will be sent to the Pack at Noon on 4/22)

Saturday: Set up camp, Explore the site, Hike, Set up for Dinner etc.

Sunday: 4/23 ~ 7am Pancake Breakfast and camp breakdown

Departure: 4/23 ~ between 9am – 10am


Cost Per Camper: $10.00

Don’t Have a Tent? – For an additional $5/family the Pack can lend you a tent and, if needed, we will even set it up for you (Only 1 Pack tent is available – arrangements must be made in advance with Josh Comolli

KOA also has a number of small cabins available for rent for an additional fee (arrangements can be made directly with KOA

Payment Methods: PayPal (balance or Credit Card), Cash, Checks made payable to Pack 110, or Scout Accounts

Camping challenges scouts to “Be Prepared”. Here’s a quick list of essentials:

  • Tent
  • Sleeping Bags/pillows
  • Flashlight
  • Recommended:
    • sleeping mat or air mattress
    • sweatshirts or layers for the April chill
    • small personal coolers for your tent are also nice in the event you need a drink in the middle of the night
    • Fishing poles, a ball or frisbee are also ideas
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Upcoming Events

  1. Camping – Brandywine Red Clay

    September 28 @ 3:00 pm - September 29 @ 10:00 am
  2. Pack Committee Meeting

    October 1 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  3. 2024 – Spook 0 Ree

    October 18 @ 6:00 pm - October 20 @ 11:00 am
  4. West Chester Halloween Parade

    October 23 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  5. October Pack Meeting – Pumpkins in the Park

    October 25 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm